Here’s where it gets fun and Greg and I have a full out brawl. Up to this point we’ve been in sort of agreement/apathy on the order of the drivers. Now, each person is going to give their two cents.
The Chasers and Chase Not’s
These drivers will battle all year to get into the chase, some will succeed, some will fall ass backwards into it, others will leave the track pissed off.
14) Greg Biffle, #16 3M Ford for Roush-Fenway Racing. I say Biff will finish just outside of the cut off for the chase. His new contract he’s about to sign might weigh him down through the year, but like teammate Kenseth, Biffle has been sneaky good the last couple of years. He’s just consistent (I know I’ve been way over using that word, but that is what matters in this sport. Don’t let Brian France fool you with his “new points system”) at every track they go to. Just needs to finish a bit higher to be a threat.
*Gregs Note* Does anyone have a cooler nickname than “The Biff”? I know its just a play off his name, but that really is awesome. I want to be called “The Wood” now, just so I can be as cool as he is.
13) Brian Vickers, #83 Red Bull Toyota for Red Bull Racing.
Greg says half a year off will make Vickers rusty, I say it’ll get him to a point where he’s a more hungry driver. Time away makes the heart grow fonder and I think he’ll come out guns a blazing and get1 win in 2011. Problem is because of Brian France’s stupid rules, he’ll be bumped from the chance because someone will win more than 1 race. Then we can spend the rest of the year projected who’d be where if this stupid system wasn’t in place.
*Gregs Note* Like Mike said, I do 100% disagree. I love Vickers, have since he raced with my Hendrick boys. But, the guy took the better part of year off, and even when he was on, he was still barely in the chase. I wouldn't be shocked if he finished 12th or so, but I also don't think I'd be shocked if he finished 22nd. He's good, but, that time off does things to a man.
12) Kurt Busch, #22 Shell/Pennzoil Dodge for Penske Racing. New look for Busch in 2011 but he’ll have the same kind of results. I see him snaring a win at tracks like Pocono or Bristol, totaling 2 wins on the year and that will help him into the chase. But, once there his Dodge won’t help him stay up front enough.
11) Carl Edwards, #99 Aflac Ford for Roush-Fenway Racing. Edwards is my other pick for the “Brian France gotta save face and making winning worth something so let’s embrace this ridiculous idea” award when he nets 4 wins and crashes out of a handful more.
*Gregs Note* Odds on Edwards killing Keselowski this season? I'm putting it a 4/1 to start, but don't be surprised to see that creap up to 2/1 by Atlanta.
10) Ryan Newman, #39 U.S. Army Chevrolet for Stewart-Haas Racing. I know what you’re all thinking, this is a homer pick. Well it is not, well kind of, I think there are big things on the horizon for Stewart-Haas Racing and Newman benefits pulling in 1 win. I’m still surprised Hendrick hasn’t paid Tony off to take Dale Junior off his hands and stick him in one of SHR’s cars. He can drive around, wave to the crowd, and collect his check, wait, wait, do I see signs of a future start and parker!? First fully funded driver to start and park races, that should be the legacy (turd) Dale Junior leaves behind! Oh right, Newman, he’ll also get some poles since he still thinks they pay points or something.
9) Kasey Kahne,
#4 Red Bull Toyota for Red Bull Racing. My dark horse this year, I think freed of the shackles of Evernham Motorsports, Gillette Evernham Motorsports, Gillette Motorsports brought to you by Jackie Childs bankruptcy Lawyer, then Richard Petty Motorsports, he’ll finally perform like he should. Especially mix in Vicker’s projected resurgence and Red Bull Racing is putting itself into prime position into 2012. Now to find someone to drive this car after Kahne packs up his toys and gets into the 5 car. No wins, but great year none the less.
*Gregs Note* I refuse to root for him as long as he has that really stupid #4 on his car. That thing looks borderline handicapped!
8) Clint Bowyer, #33 Cheerios/Hamburger Helper Chevrolet for Richard Childress Racing. Fired up by his 150 point penalty at New Hampshire, Clint is going to take no prisoners in 2011. Look for 2 wins from him and shirts that say “150 what?”
7) Matt Kenseth, #17 Crown Royal Ford for Roush-Fenway Racing. Ah, the man who brought us the chase, I hold no grudges as seen by his placement, but yet I do. No wins for you in 2011, sorry, but you’re too consistent and with only four points between first and second, Kenseth will gladly come in second and beat the traffic home.
The Legend Killers
No we’re not talking about Arthur Moats here, these are the drivers who can potentially knock Jimmie Johnson off his diamond encrusted gold dipped pedestal.
6) Denny Hamlin, #11 FedEx Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing. Hamlin had the championship last year but some miscues cost him that. I think they square it away this year, but the competition just got harder over the winter. He’ll still get himself 5 wins on the year but I think it’ll be a log jam at the front and he won’t have enough in the end.
*Gregs Note* My personal pick for the title this year, I see Denny borderline dominating this year. He's really come along lately and has been able to run as the Top Dawg at most every track type now. I forsee him to be doing great things in 2011.
5) Tony Stewart, #14 Office Depot/Mobil 1 Chevrolet for Stewart-Haas Racing. I already said big things were in the works for SHR, and Stewart will show that getting 3 wins. The team jelled at the end of the 2010 and with all that Hendrick help, who’s going to count him out. Plus, he’s back to the old Tony Stewart, the one who smashes people’s faces with racing helmets and eats Burger King before the race. Mark my words, after one of his wins, the camera will cut to commercial and come back, and there will be Tony plowing Ms. Sprint on the hood of his card. I would become a fan forever if he did that.
*Gregs Note* Tony's currently dating a sprint car driver by the name of Jessica Zemken. Google her. Then come back here and help me figure out why. Shes cute, but....he's Tony Stewart. The guy could eat double cheeseburgers all day every day and he could still nail a supermodel. Somehow, I find this to be puzzling, as to why he would settle.....Come on Tony! You can do better!
4) Kevin Harvick, #29 Budweiser Chevrolet for Richard Childress Racing. Harvick’s got a new sponsor in Budweiser and a chip on his shoulder. Wait, no, he always had that, but after a year in which he was the champion on every level except where it matters, I think it’ll be hard to follow that up. He’ll get 2 wins and be up there, but it’ll be hard to duplicate that, the honeymoon is over. RCR showed that they can compete, so now is the time to make it happen.
*Gregs Note* I picked Happy to actually finish 9th in my eyes. I don't forsee him having the same type of year he did last year. I think he's got a little Dale Jarrett syndrome in him, where he has a few solid years then BAM rattles off an amazing season to capture a title. The only difference being, the Chase screwed him out of a Cup, whereas Jarrett didn't have that problem. I don't see Happy having another magical year like last year, but still being solid none the less.
3) Kyle Busch, #18 M&M’s Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing. I don’t like Kyle Busch, but I can see bits of maturity starting to show. I think he has another year where his win at all costs will bite him, after his 6 wins, but it’ll hurt him late in the season again. This time though won’t be as damning as he’ll keep his nose in the hunt to the bitter end.
*Gregs Note* Hard to disagree with this one here. I still think of Kyle as the immature little kid he is, and until he mellows out like his brother, he'll never get a title. He has to grow up before we can call him a Champion.
2) Jeff Gordon, #24 Drive To End Hunger Chevrolet for Hendrick Motorsports. My other bold prediction for the year is the return of Boy Wonder. Pairing him with Alan Gustafson will prove to be magical and equate to 3 wins and a runner up for championship. There is a buzz in the DuPont, er, Drive To End Hunger pits that hasn’t been there in four years. Not since Steve Retart took over as crew chief. I watched an interview with Gordon on Thursday where he alluded to this, without actually saying it for obvious reasons. He’ll be tough to beat, but you know who’s tougher?
1) Jimmie Johnson, #48 Lowe’s Chevrolet for Hendrick Motorsports. I’ll keep picking him until someone proves me wrong. Every time someone thinks they have him figured out or beaten, he comes out of nowhere and wins races and championships. He’ll get 5 wins on route to championship number six and Bill France, Sr. and Bill France, Jr. will spin in their graves fast enough to make the world shift a bit on their axis. When he gets his trophy Richard Petty will come out and also give him a hat that says GOAT because at that point, I’m sold, Jimmie Johnson will be the Greatest Of All Time.
*Gregs Note* I hate Jimmie Johnson. With a passion. So....thats about all I got.
Thank you all for partaking in our 2011 Cup Preview, have a happy and safe Daytona 500 viewing party, and remember these 3 simple rules: If you are behind Kyle Busch, put him in the wall. If you're ahead of Kyle Busch, let him pass, then put him in the wall. And lastly, if you are Kyle Busch, turn into the wall.
Have a wonderful raceday! Welcome back NASCAR!