I’ll be the first to admit it, Greg and I got lazy. Really, really, really lazy. I mean come on, our (mine) last post was in September, three whole months have gone by without so much as a peep from us. And so much has happened in the world of NASCAR, how can this be? Here’s my backasswards attempt at justifying this travesty I, er, we have bestowed upon you our loyal fan(s).
When we first started I email supposed NASCAR junkie Jayski a link to our blog and asked him to check it out. If he liked what he saw, maybe he could post the link on his sight. I wasn’t expecting too much, but his response really annoyed me. He told me he would try to check it out but was very busy. Very busy? You spend all day surfing online for NASCAR articles, couldn’t squeeze that in? And I was shocked to learn he only does the Cup side, everything else is farmed out to two other people. Maybe I caught him at a bad time while he was playing World of Warcraft or Dungeons and Dragons, or some other nerd like video game. I bet he’s the type of person who wears a sweat band, has a custom chair, and plays WoW all day. Exactly like the guy from the South Park where the spoofed World of Warcraft. Thanks for the support Jayski, really appreciate it.
Hail Jimmie Johnson, gotta give him props for taking a stupid points system and making a mockery of it. I can’t hate him anymore, Brian France, you wanted the chase great job. I’m sure having the same person win every year will really put the fans in their seats. As Greg pointed out the other day at work, even if the “old” system people ran away with it, it was self correcting. Outside of Jeff Gordon winning it in 1995, second in 1996, and winning in 1997 and 1998, you never really had dynasties when it came to winning in. From 1999 to 2003 you had five drivers win in five years. In the last five years, you’ve had Jimmie Johnson. History of the chase, three drivers in 7 years. As annoying as the chase is, the real travesty will be if they scrap the points system for this so called “simplified method,” which is a bunch of horse crap. To award points 43 to 1 is just plain stupid, I don’t care how they spin it. They want an exciting points battle, well NASCAR already fixes races why not fix the championship, better yet just tell us who’s going to win in February and stop wasting my time.
I was really afraid when I read last week that Brian Keselowski was the only driver going for Rookie of the Year award this year. After last year’s abortion of an award to Kevin “freakin’” Conway, Keselowski winning it because no one else tried would have just been a second kick to the balls. Thankfully Trevor Bayne is going to run 17 races, which should make him eligible and since Keselowski will probably make 10 races (adding insult to injury if no one else ran) he should win. Nothing against Keselowski, he probably is a nice guy, but start and parking your way to ROTY undermines everything. If that’s the case, I’d buy a car myself, bring it to races, run a lap and park it. Collect my check for the race, then get the big check at the awards banquet, then ride off into the sunset laughing my ass off. Actually, what am I waiting for….
You knew this was coming, touching on NASCAR changing all sorts of rules/guidelines/points whatever. They get a pass on limiting that drivers only run for one championship, that was smart and stupid. Smart to make it a run, stupid it had to come to that, the fact teams/drivers have to be policed like that. But with everything else, just leave it alone. I don’t want to preach and be that guy who doesn’t like change, but I swear they’re just changing stuff to change stuff, not that it’s necessarily broken. Take last year, “have at it boys,” they thought if they did that ratings would soar. Well, ok, give people a golden pass to kill one another you might get a few more fans, but why would you do that? More needed to be done BEFORE Gateway last year, but no, it’s all about waiting to see if this improves ratings. More exciting points battles down to the wire, can be exciting, but just because someone is good for 10 races makes them the champ? This isn’t a stick and ball sport stop making that way. As someone said on Scene Dailey’s Facebook page, “NASCAR motto should be keep fixing what isn’t broke until it is.” Mine on that page, which no one commented on/liked…assholes, was explaining that NASCAR is like a child in a museum. Compelled to touch everything, well STOP it NASCAR! Go sit in the corner and wait for your Mom to come pick you up. I swear Brian France if he loved NASCAR like he should, like his father before him, he would resign and let someone else who loves NASCAR run it. Every decision he makes is based off of money and not what is good for the sport. Every time he talks crap just comes out his mouth.
Anyways, it might not sound like it but I am getting excited for the new year of racing. And I pledge to keep writing this year and not take long gaps off, because obviously these thoughts and rants are too good to keep all to myself.